Title: Poster Tribune #4

Year: 2014

Theme: Weltformat 2014

Language: English / Français / Deutsch

3 posters included (66 x 95 cm):
Noël Leu, Todeschini & Mamie, Mathias Schweizer


The fourth issue of Poster Tribune is dedicated to the International Poster Festival of Lucern: Weltformat 2014. The festival organises 10 exhibitions from September 27th to October 5th.

100 beste Plakate • Fond Bleu, Graphisme contemporain du lac Léman. Organised by Poster tribune. With: AMI, Gavillet & Rust, Maximage, Thomas Perrodin, TM Nicolas Todeschini et David Mamie • Fachklasse Grafik Luzern • Grilly Type • Japan / Schweiz, with Bon­bon (Zürich), Clau­dia­ba­sel (Basel), Demian Con­rad (Lau­sanne), Felix Pfäffli (Luzern), John­son / Kings­ton (Luzern, Bern), Kazu­nari Hat­tori (Tokio), Ken­jiro Sano (Tokio), Masayuki Tera­shima (Sap­poro), Prill Vie­celi Cre­mers (Zürich), Rikako Naga­shima (Tokio), Ryo­suke Uehara von Kigi (Tokio), Yuma Harada (Osaka) • Occupy What’s next • HSE Design School Moskau • Lust, Student Contest

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